Update: 12:38 PM
Repairs surrounding the incident at the Birch Drive Trailer Park & the 16th Street pipe damage have been completed. Visit sgwasa.org/emergency to learn how to report a water or sewer emergency, 24-hours a day.
Butner, NC. November 23, 2024 — SGWASA utility crews are responding to an emergency repair request on 16th Street in Butner, NC and the Birch Drive Mobile Community. A private construction incident lead to a damaged service line. A meter setter component was fractured and ripped from the original placement due to complications with the setup of a new mobile unit. The impacted pvc pipe has been repaired. Water service has been restored for customers from within the repair area, yet work continues to reverse the damage.
Issued 11/23/24 by the South Granville Water and Sewer Authority
Krystle Lee, PIO/Board Secretary/Webmaster
(919) 575-3367