I-85 Sanitary Sewer Project
This project has been enacted to upgrade the sanitary sewer infrastructure along the I-85 corridor to ensure efficient and reliable wastewater management, promoting environmental sustainability and public health.
Project Status: In Progress On Schedule
Currently Accepting Bids
SGWASA serves the southern portions of Granville County North Carolina, including the growing towns of Creedmoor, Butner, and Stem. As development continues to expand north of the Raleigh- Durham area, SGWASA is continuing to receive significant
developer interest in the area. Currently, the existing wastewater collection system is at its maximum capacity to reliably convey flow to the SGWASA Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). SGWASA has initiated a moratorium on any additional development in the area surrounding Creedmoor and portions of Butner until additional collection system capacity is achieved.
In 2019 SGWASA received a comprehensive sanitary sewer system evaluation, commonly referred to as the I-85 Study. The I-85 Study evaluated the major sanitary sewer trunk lines and pump stations throughout the study area to determine the needed improvements to meet both short-term and long-term needs. The I-85 Study concluded by identifying 4 priority project areas, with an estimated design and construction cost of $50+ million.
Beginning in 2000 SGWASA started working with professional engineering design consultant CDM-Smith on the I-85 Sanitary Sewer System Improvement Project. CDMSmith is providing engineering design, financial application assistance, and bidding
services for the I-85 Sanitary Sewer System Improvement Project. The current approved contract with CDM-Smith is $5,896,600.
In the fall of 2021, the State of North Carolina granted $35 million in American Rescue and Recovery Act (ARPA) funds to the South Granville Water and Sewer Authority for water and wastewater infrastructure improvements. In early 2022, the SGWASA Board
of Directors agreed to dedicate the money toward the I-85 Sanitary Sewer System Improvement Project.
In 2022, the Board of Directors authorized the Executive Director to apply for a $35 million low-interest loan with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Since 2022, CDM-Smith and SGWASA staff have been providing all of the necessary forms and
supporting documents to the USDA for the loan application. The loan application requires extensive information and studies.