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SDF Policy

The South Granville Water and Sewer Authority (SGWASA) is seeking public comments on proposed changes to System Development Fees (SDF) as mandated by the North Carolina General Assembly's Session Law 2017-138 House Bill 436 (HB 436).

Project Status: On Schedule


The SDF analysis is based on the calculated cost per unit volume of utility assets providing capacity that is available for use by new development, both now and in the future.  Fees are required to be calculated per Service Unit, which is the defined level of demand associated with the typical residential customer.  


A three-bedroom single family residence fits this definition and is referred to as an Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU).  The associated level of demand for this customer type can therefore be based on standard design flow rates for water and wastewater specified in 15A NCAC 02T.0114 and 15A NCAC 18C .0409. 

Construction Site Wood Cutting

Public Transparency

The South Granville Water and Sewer Authority (SGWASA) is seeking public comments on proposed changes to System Development Fees (SDF) as mandated by the North Carolina General Assembly's Session Law 2017-138 House Bill 436 (HB 436).

Click to download SDF Policy Draft

Granville County Greenery SGWASA.jpeg

Current Board Project Updates

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Autoridad de agua y alcantarillado del sur de Granville

415 Avenida Central, Suite B

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